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Step-by-Step process of utilizing unit-level data of national surveys by using STATA 


Rounds Covered so far in Live Online and Offline Workshops

  • PLFS 2017 T0 2022

  • Time Use Survey

  • 78th Round (Socio-Economic)

  • 77th Round (Agriculture and AIDIS)

  • 76th Round (Drinking Water, Sanitation, Hygiene and Housing Condition)

  • 76th Round (Persons with Disabilities)

  • 75th Round (Health and Education)

  • 72nd Round (Domestic Tourism)

  • 70th Round (Agriculture and AIDIS)

  • 68th Round (Employment and Consumption)

  • 66th Round (Employment)

  • 61st Round (Employment and Consumption)

  • 59th Round (Agriculture and AIDIS)

  • 55th Round (Employment)

  • 50th Round (Employment)

  • IHDS


Approximate Training Hours: 16-20 hours.



Saturday & Sunday: 10 am to 1 pm


Contact us for more details by email at:

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stata functions & required Resources

  • Basic STATA commands: gen, rename, label, egen, recode, tag, destring (with ignore and force), count, list, describe, substring, split, sort, browse and tab with qualifiers.

  • About official sources to download NSSO raw data and required files from ICSSR and MoSPI.

  • About the required documents: Read me file, Schedule, instructions to field staff, Layout file, and Reports.
    About raw data text files to understand the way data is recorded in text files.

  • Sources to find missing documents.


  • How to apply CONCATENATE command in the layout file.

  • To make dct files in STATA using details from the layout file.

  • To apply the command in Do-file Editor to extract level-wise data in STATA to get all the files in the dta format.

  • About cross verifying the dta files with details provided in the readme file, to test the accuracy of the extracted files.

  • Append function for old rounds.

merging and matching

  • To identify household and individual levels using schedule layout, questionnaire and instruction to field staff.

  • How to generate individual IDs and household IDs using common primary keys. 

  • About merging one file with another for the following combinations 1:1, 1:m, m:1, and m:m.

  • Household with household, household with individual, individual with individual (with and without duplicates)

  • How to deal with duplicates.

  • How to generate and apply weights.

  • About cross verifying the extracted data with the report, to validate the data. 

Construction of variables

  • After extracting and merging the data files level wise, one needs to caculate the variables as per the research objectives.

  • To illustrate these cases in detail, we teach how to calculate important indicators of NSSO rounds. Employment indicators (WPR, LFPR, UNEMPLOYMENT RATE by UPSS and CWS), NIC concordance, Wages, Out of Pocket Expenditure in health rounds, combining visit one with visit two in agriculture rounds, Expenses and Income, Consumption expenditure in consumption round etc.

  • Other required functions, like reshape and data filters to handle the data.



To help scholars from India, we completed 14 workshops using unit level data of national surveys to teach skills like extraction, merging, append, reshaping, weight and many other required skills for these large data sets. We trained scholars to utilize more than 15 rounds from the past 30 years of NSSO rounds and in IHDS-I/II.

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