Mohamad Aslam (Postdoctoral Fellow, IISER-Mohali) is a dedicated research scholar. He has recently completed his Ph.D.(Occupational Structure of Agro-Pastoralist Tribes in Central Region of Western Himalaya: A Case Study of Gujjar and Gaddi Tribes of Himachal Pradesh) from Panjab University. He also completed his M.Phil. from Jawaharlal Nehru University with a thesis titled “Employment and Education Linkages: A Comparative Study of Tribes in North Eastern and the Central States”. His research interests lie primarily in agrarian studies, labor market, economic transformation among tribals, education, and inequality.
He has more than a decade of teaching experience in theoretical and applied statistics and econometrics and plans to continue helping research scholars, and students gain practical skills with theoretical knowledge.
Alejandra is a Data Analyst at a retail company in Rotterdam, Netherlands. She has completed her MSc in Econometrics from the University of Amsterdam, and MSc in Statistics and BSc in Economics from the National University of Colombia. Her area of interest lies at the intersection of applied econometrics and data science. Her research work has focused on the use of generalized linear models, impact evaluation and data science on public data to understand consumer behavior and the impact of public policies.
She has worked both in public and private industries in Colombia, and now in the Netherlands, applying her knowledge to different sectors. Her work includes the creation of prices indexes consumer tracker using Big Data, models for prediction of the added value, development of performance measurement methodologies for projects, run statistical (exploratory and descriptive) models to measure the investments’ effects on Revenue, conduct experimental designs for extensive projects, and customer segmentation.